
Contributions to design futures, interaction design, and strategic design.

AIGA 2022 - National Design Conference

Glimpsing the Invisible:
Other Ways of Knowing and Designing Futures

Speaker and Panelist + Design Futures

“Designers are futuring whenever they actively engage these other ways of knowing to explore, imagine, and frame unseen futures.”

Design Thesis - CMU School of Design

Designing with Other Ways of Knowing: Integrating non-mechanistic methods within design processes.

Design Master’s Thesis + Interaction Design

“Quantifiable information can certainly be meaningful for designers, [but] it also constitutes a narrow and dissociated perspective. In a design context, this can lead to ignored contributing problems, unforeseen risks, and serious harm if left unchecked.”

RSD10 - Systemic Design Symposium

Gleaning Racial Justice Futures: Confronting the past and incorporating plural everydays

Design Futures + Coding Analysis

“Imagine how tools of futures studies might evolve to accommodate justice oriented world-making.”

Imaginaries Lab - Climate Pathways

A Quest for the Good Meal:
Building a Worldview of Stewardship

Social Impact + Design Futures

“[Our] success was primarily the result of its accessibility and a focus on exposing already existing communities of stewardship.”

IASDR 2021- Design Research Conference

Envisioning New Futuring Models: Past,Plurality, and Positionality

Design Research + Interactive Workshop

“What we found reveals shortcomings in the futures cone: the past must be acknowledged and there are multiple, plural experiences of the present.”